Smart Classrooms
IT Knowledge Base: Smart Classroom Operation Instructions
Technology-enhanced, or “smart”, classrooms are learning spaces with integrated technology for use in pedagogy. The typical smart classroom has a computer, projector, projection screen, DVD / VHS player, sound system, and podium with AV controls and laptop connections. Some specialized classrooms have document cameras, smartboards, and other equipment relevant to the coursework or discipline being taught in the space. ITS works with faculty, departments, and vendors to provide classroom technologies that are functional, dependable, easy to use, and consistent across the entire UNC Asheville campus.
ITS provides technical support and management for approximately 110 smart classrooms across the UNC Asheville campus. Please contact the ITS Help Desk ( or 828.251.6445) for technical assistance with a smart classroom.
Availability and Scheduling
Most computer labs on the UNC Asheville campus are open to all faculty, staff, and students when the facilities are not in use for a class. Computer lab patrons must be able to produce a current, valid UNC Asheville ID (OneCard) if asked. Activities in the computer labs are subject to the UNC Asheville Student Computing and Network Usage Policy and Faculty/Staff Computing and Network Usage Policy.
Public computers in Ramsey Library and Highsmith Union can be used at any time the buildings are open.
Scheduling of classes, workshops, or other events in labs is managed by Silke Crombie at 828.250.3832. Faculty wishing to hold a one-time class session in a computer lab during open lab hours should contact Silke at least one week prior to the proposed class.
IT Knowledge Base: Site-Licensed Software
ITS provides a basic set of applications in every computer lab. Specialized software may only be available in particular labs. All labs are configured to prevent changes to the computer and erase all saved files when the machine is rebooted.
Lab patrons must save their work to Google Docs, a USB key, or other external storage to avoid data loss. ITS cannot retrieve data lost in the computer labs.
“Courseware” and other specialized software required or requested by academic departments must be supplied, with proof of ownership, by the requesting department at least 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. Before making any software purchases intended for lab installations, please contact the ITS Help Desk ( or 828.251.6445) to schedule a consultation with our Lab Managers.
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather the university will make the decision to cancel or delay classes, and announce it via email, text-message, and the Bulldog Alert website. In the interest student safety, the labs will operate as follows:
- On a Delayed Start schedule the Labs will operate on the same delayed schedule.
- If classes are cancelled the labs will be closed.